
Peer-reviewed publications, the most significant of which are highlighted in bold.
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  1. EW Lees, C Tournassat, AZ Weber, PUPA Gilbert.
    eCoral: How electrolysis could restore seawater conditions ideal for coral reefs.
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c02715
    J Phys Chem Letters 15, 12206-12211 (2024). Selected as COVER story.
  2. CA Schmidt, E Tambutté, AA Venn, Z Zou, C Castillo Alvarez, LS Devriendt, HA Bechtel, CA Stifler, S Anglemyer, CP Breit, CL Foust, A Hopanchuk, CN Klaus, IJ Kohler, IM LeCloux, J Mezera, M Patton, A Purisch, V Quach, JS Sengkhammee, T Sristy, S Vattem, EJ Walch, M Albéric, Y Politi, P Fratzl, S Tambutté, PUPA Gilbert.
    Myriad Mapping of nanoscale minerals reveals calcium carbonate hemihydrate in forming nacre and coral biominerals.
    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-46117-x
    Nature Communications 15, 1812, 1-15 (2024).
    Highlighted in Science 384, 402-403 (2024). link
  3. C Castillo Alvarez, JL Grimsich, CA Schmidt, H Lisabeth, A Voigtländer, PUPA Gilbert.
    Calcite twinning in mollusk shells and Carrara marble.
    DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202304288
    Adv Funct Mater 34, 2304288, 1-9 (2024).
  4. AJ Lew, CA Stifler, A Cantamessa, A Tits, D Ruffoni, PUPA Gilbert, MJ Buehler.
    Deep learning virtual indenter maps nanoscale hardness rapidly and non-destructively, revealing mechanism and enhancing bioinspired design.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.matt.2023.03.031
    Matter 6, 1975-1991 (2023).
  5. AJ Lew, CA Stifler, A Tits, CA Schmidt, A Scholl, A Cantamessa, L Müller, Y Delaunois, P Compère, D Ruffoni, MJ Buehler*, PUPA Gilbert*.
    A molecular scale understanding of misorientation toughening in corals and seashells.
    DOI: 10.1002/adma.202300373
    Advanced Materials 35, 2300373 (2023). INSIDE COVER PDF
  6. PUPA Gilbert.
    Biomineral Mesostructure.
    DOI: 10.1557/s43577-023-00479-7
    MRS Bulletin 48, 413-420 (2023). PDF
  7. J Sui, J Li, L Gu, CA Schmidt, Z Zhang, Y Shao, E Gazit, PUPA Gilbert, X Wang.
    Orientation-Controlled Crystallization of γ-Glycine Films with Enhanced Piezoelectricity.
    DOI: 10.1039/D2TB00997H
    J Mat Chem B 10, 6958-6964 (2022).
  8. AJ Lew, E Beniash, PUPA Gilbert*, MJ Buehler*.
    Role of the mineral in the self-healing of cracks in human enamel.
    DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.1c10407
    ACS Nano 16, 10273–10280 (2022).
  9. PUPA Gilbert*, KD Bergmann, N Boekelheide, S Tambutté, T Mass, F Marin, JF Adkins, J Erez, B Gilbert, V Knutson, M Cantine, J Ortega Hernández, AH Knoll*.
    Biomineralization: integrating mechanism and evolutionary history.
    DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abl9653
    Science Advances 8, eabl9653 (2022). COVER PDF
  10. CA Stifler, H Yamazaki, PUPA Gilbert, HC Margolis, E Beniash.
    Loss of biological control of enamel mineralization in amelogenin-phosphorylation-deficient mice.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2022.107844
    J Struct Biol 214, 107844 (2022). PDF
  11. CA Schmidt, CA Stifler, EL Luffey, BI Fordyce, A Ahmed, G Barreiro Pujol, CP Breit, SS Davison, CN Klaus, IJ Koehler, IM LeCloux, C Matute Diaz, CM Nguyen, V Quach, JS Sengkhammee, EJ Walch, MM Xiong, E Tambutté, S Tambutté, T Mass, PUPA Gilbert.
    Faster crystallization during coral skeleton formation correlates with resilience to ocean acidification.
    DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c11434
    J Am Chem Soc 144, 1332-1341 (2022). PDF
  12. Z Deng, H-C Loh, Z Jia, CA Stifler, A Masic, PUPA Gilbert, R Shahar, L Li.
    Black Drum Fish Teeth: Built for Crushing Mollusk Shells.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2021.10.023
    Acta Biomaterialia 137, 147-161 (2022). PDF
  13. CA Stifler, CE Killian, PUPA Gilbert.
    Evidence for a liquid precursor to biomineral formation.
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.1c00865
    Cryst Growth Des 21, 6635-6641 (2021). PDF
  14. L Gránásy, L Rátkai, GI Tóth, PUPA Gilbert, I Zlotnikov, T Pusztai.
    Phase-field modeling of biomineralization in mollusks and corals: microstructure vs formation mechanism.
    DOI: 10.1021/jacsau.1c00026
    J Am Chem Soc Au 1, 1014-1033 (2021). PDF
  15. J Salman, CA Stifler, A Shahsafi, C-Y Sun, S Weibold, M Frising, B Rubio-Perez, Y Xiao, C Draves, R Wambold, Z Yu, DC Bradley, G Kemeny, PUPA Gilbert*, MA Kats*.
    Hyperspectral interference tomography of nacre.
    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2023623118
    Procs Natl Acad Sci 118, e2023623118 (2021). PDF
  16. CA Stifler, J Jakes, J North, D Green, JC Weaver, PUPA Gilbert.
    Crystal misorientation correlates with hardness in tooth enamels.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2020.07.037
    Acta Biomater 120, 124-134 (2021). PDF
  17. C-Y Sun, L Gránásy, CA Stifler, JAY Zhang, T Zaquin, T Mass, S Goffredo, G Falini, MA Marcus, R Chopdekar, T Pusztai, JC Weaver, PUPA Gilbert.
    Crystal nucleation and growth in spherulites revealed by coral skeletons.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2020.06.027
    Acta Biomater 120, 277-292 (2021). PDF
  18. Y-H Lo, J Zhou, A Rana, D Morrill, C Gentry, B Enders, Y-S Yu, C-Y Sun, D Shapiro, RW Falcone, H Kapteyn, M Murnane, PUPA Gilbert, and J Miao.
    X-ray linear dichroic ptychography.
    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2019068118
    Procs Natl Acad Sci 118, e2019068118 (2021). PDF
  19. H Li, C-Y Sun, Y Fang, CM Carlson, H Xu, A Ješovnik, J Sosa-Calvo, R Zarnowski, HA Bechtel, JH Fournelle, DR Andes, TR Schultz, PUPA Gilbert, CR Currie.
    Biomineral armor in leaf-cutter ants.
    DOI: 10.1038/S41467-020-19566-3
    Nature Communications 11, 5792 (2020). PDF
  20. H-C Loh, T Divoux, B Gludovatz, PUPA Gilbert, RO Ritchie, F-J Ulm, A Masic.
    Nacre toughening due to cooperative plastic deformation of co-oriented aragonite platelets.
    DOI: 10.1038/s43246-020-00078-y
    Communications Materials 1, 77 (2020). PDF
  21. C-Y Sun, CA Stifler, RV Chopdekar, CA Schmidt, G Parida, V Schoeppler, BI Fordyce, JH Brau, T Mass, S Tambutté, PUPA Gilbert.
    From particle attachment to space-filling coral skeletons.
    DOI 10.1073/pnas.2012025117
    Procs Natl Acad Sci 117, 30159-30170 ( 2020). PDF
  22. R Laipnik, V Bissi, C-Y Sun, G Falini, PUPA Gilbert, T Mass.
    Coral acid rich protein selects vaterite polymorph in vitro.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2019.107431
    J Struct Biol 209, 107431 (2020). PDF
  23. E Beniash, CA Stifler, C-Y Sun, GS Jung, Z Qin, MJ Buehler, PUPA Gilbert.
    The hidden structure of human enamel.
    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-12185-7

    Nature Communications 10, 4383/1-13 (2019). PDF
  24. PUPA Gilbert, SM Porter, BM Gibson, C-Y Sun, S Xiao, N Shenkar, AH Knoll
    Biomineralization by particle attachment in early animals.
    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1902273116

    Procs Natl Acad Sci 116, 17659-17665 (2019). PDF
    Highlighted in Science 366, 1468-1469 (2019). PDF
  25. M Albéric, CA Stifler, Z Zou, C-Y Sun, CE Killian, S Valencia Molina, M Mawass, F Kronast, L Bertinetti, PUPA Gilbert, Y Politi.
    Growth and regrowth of adult sea urchin spines involves hydrated and anhydrous amorphous calcium carbonate precursors.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.yjsbx.2019.100004
    J Struct Biol X 1, 100004 (2019). PDF
  26. Z Zou, WJEM Habraken, G Matveeva, ACS Jensen, L Bertinetti, MA Hood, C-Y Sun, PUPA Gilbert, I Polishchuk, B Pokroy, J Mahamid, Y Politi, S Weiner, P Werner, S Bette, R Dinnerbier, U Kolb, E Zolotoyabko, P Fratzl.
    A hydrated crystalline calcium carbonate phase: calcium carbonate hemihydrate.
    DOI: 10.1126/science.aav0210
    Science 363, 396-400 (2019). PDF
  27. CA Stifler, C-Y Sun, MA Marcus, M Sassi, KM Rosso, and PUPA Gilbert.
    X-ray linear dichroism in apatite.
    DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b05547
    J Am Chem Soc 140, 11698-11704 (2018). PDF
  28. PUPA Gilbert
    Polarization-dependent Imaging Contrast (PIC) Mapping in 2018.
    DOI: 10.1017/S1431927618014514
    Microsc Microanal 24, 454-456 (2018). PDF
  29. CE Myers, KD Bergmann, C-Y Sun, N Boekelheide, AH Knoll, PUPA Gilbert.
    Exceptional Preservation of Organic Matrix and Shell Microstructure in a Cretaceous Pinna Fossil revealed by PhotoEmission Electron spectroMicroscopy (PEEM).
    DOI: 10.1130/G45271.1
    Geology 46, 711-714 (2018). PDF
  30. MA Marcus, S Amini, CA Stifler, C-Y Sun, N Tamura, HA Bechtel, DY Parkinson, HS Barnard, XXX Zhang, JQI Chua, A Miserez, PUPA Gilbert.
    Parrotfish teeth: stiff biominerals whose microstructure makes them tough and abrasion-resistant to bite stony corals.
    DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b05044
    ACS Nano 11, 11856–11865 (2017). PDF
  31. I Polishchuk, A Aronhime Bracha, L Bloch, D Levy, S Kozachkevich, Y Etinger-Geller, Y Kauffmann, M Burghammer, C Giacobbe, J Villanova, G Hendler, C-Y Sun, AJ Giuffre, MA Marcus, L Kundanati, P Zaslansky, NM Pugno, PUPA Gilbert, A Katsman, B Pokroy.
    Coherent Nanoparticles Within a Biogenic Single Crystal: a Biological Prestressing Strategy.
    DOI: 10.1126/science.aaj2156
    Science 358, 1294-1298 (2017). PDF
  32. T Mass, AJ Giuffre, C-Y Sun, CA Stifler, MJ Frazier, M Neder, N Tamura, CV Stan, MA Marcus, PUPA Gilbert.
    Amorphous Calcium Carbonate Particles Form Coral Skeletons.
    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1707890114
    Procs Natl Acad Sci 114, E7670-E7678 (2017). COVER PDF
    Highlighted in Science 357, 1012 (2017). PDF
  33. C-Y Sun, MA Marcus, MJ Frazier, AJ Giuffre, T Mass, PUPA Gilbert.
    Spherulitic Growth of Coral Skeletons and Synthetic Aragonite: Nature’s Three-Dimensional printing.
    DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b00127
    ACS Nano 11, 6612–6622 (2017). PDF
  34. PUPA Gilbert, KD Bergmann, CE Myers, MA Marcus, RT DeVol, C-Y Sun, AZ Blonsky, J Zhao, EA Karan, E Tamre, N Tamura, AJ Giuffre, S Lemer, G Giribet, JM Eiler, AH Knoll.
    Nacre tablet thickness records formation temperature in modern and fossil shells.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.11.012
    Earth Planet Sci Lett 460, 281-292 (2017). PDF
  35. RT DeVol, C-Y Sun, MA Marcus, SN Coppersmith, SCB Myneni, and PUPA Gilbert.
    Nanoscale transforming mineral phases in fresh nacre.
    DOI: 10.1021/jacs.5b07931
    J Am Chem Soc 137, 13325-13333 (2015). PDF
    Highlighted in Science 350, 648 (2015). PDF
  36. B Pokroy, L Kabalah-Amitai, I Polishchuk, RT DeVol, AZ Blonsky, C-Y Sun, MA Marcus, A Scholl, PUPA Gilbert.
    Narrowly distributed crystal orientation in biomineral vaterite.
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b01542
    Chem Mater 27, 6516–6523 (2015) COVER. PDF [free PDF]
  37. JJ De Yoreo, PUPA Gilbert, NAJM Sommerdijk, RL Penn, S Whitelam, D Joester, H Zhang, JD Rimer, A Navrotsky, JF Banfield, AF Wallace, FM Michel, FC Meldrum, H Cölfen, PM Dove.
    Crystallization by Particle Attachment in Synthetic, Biogenic, and Geologic Environments.
    DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa6760
    Science 349, aaa6760 (2015).
  38. A Gal, K Kahil, N Vidavsky, RT DeVol, PUPA Gilbert, P Fratzl, S Weiner, L Addadi.
    Particle accretion mechanism underlies biological crystal growth from an amorphous precursor phase.
    DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201400676
    Adv Funct Mater 24, 5420-5426 (2014). PDF
  39. RT DeVol, RA Metzler, L Kabalah-Amitai, B Pokroy, Y Politi, A Gal, L Addadi, S Weiner, A Fernandez-Martinez, R Demichelis, JD Gale, J Ihli, FC Meldrum, AZ Blonsky, CE Killian, CB Salling, AT Young, MA Marcus, A Scholl, A Doran, C Jenkins, HA Bechtel, and PUPA Gilbert.
    Oxygen spectromicroscopy and Polarization-dependent Imaging Contrast (PIC)-mapping of calcium carbonate minerals and biominerals.
    J Phys Chem B 118, 8449-8457 (2014). PDF
  40. PUPA Gilbert.
    Photoemission spectromicroscopy for the biomineralogist.
    In “Biomineralization Handbook, Characterization of Biominerals and Biomimetic Materials” L Gower and E DiMasi Editors, pages 135-151, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, (2014). PDF
  41. N Tamura and PUPA Gilbert.
    Microdiffraction of Biominerals.
    In Methods in Enzymology, JJ De Yoreo editor, Vol. 5323 (2013).
  42. IC Olson, AZ Blonsky, N Tamura, M Kunz, B Pokroy, CP Romao, MA White, and PUPA Gilbert.
    Crystal nucleation and near-epitaxial growth in nacre.
    J Struct Biol 184, 454-463 (2013). COVER PDF
  43. IC Olson, RA Metzler, N Tamura, M Kunz, CE Killian, and PUPA Gilbert.
    Crystal lattice tilting in prismatic calcite.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2013.06.006
    J Struct Biol 183, 180-190 (2013). PDF
  44. L Kabalah-Amitai, B Mayzel, Y Kauffmann, AN Fitch, L Bloch, PUPA Gilbert, B Pokroy.
    Vaterite crystals contain two interspersed crystal structures.
    DOI: 10.1126/science.1232139
    Science 340, 454-457 (2013). PDF
  45. CJ Johnson, PUPA Gilbert, M Abrecht, KL Baldwin, RE Russell, JA Pedersen, JM Aiken, D McKenzie.
    Low copper and high manganese levels in prion protein plaques.
    Viruses 5, pages 654-662 (2012). PDF
  46. PUPA Gilbert.
    Polarization-dependent Imaging Contrast (PIC) mapping reveals nanocrystal orientation patterns in carbonate biominerals.
    Special issue on Photoelectron microscopy, Time-resolved pump-probe PES. Eds M Kiskinova, A Scholl.

          J Electr Spectrosc Rel Phenom 185, pages 395-405 (2012). PDF

  1. IC Olson and PUPA Gilbert.
    Aragonite crystal orientation in mollusk shell nacre may depend on temperature. The angle spread of crystalline aragonite tablets records the water temperature at which nacre was deposited by Pinctada margaritifera.
    Faraday Discussions 159, 421-432 (2012). PDF
  2. AR Konicek, DS Grierson, AV Sumant, TA Friedmann, JP Sullivan, PUPA Gilbert, WG Sawyer, RW Carpick.
    Influence of surface passivation on the friction and wear behavior of ultrananocrystalline diamond and tetrahedral amorphous carbon thin films.
    Physical Review B 85, 155448 (2012). PDF
  3. YUT Gong, CE Killian, IC Olson, NP Appathurai, AL Amasino, MC Martin, LJ Holt, FH Wilt, PUPA Gilbert.
    Phase Transitions in Biogenic Amorphous Calcium Carbonate.
    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1118085109
    Procs Natl Acad Sci 109, 6088-6093 (2012). PDF
  4. IC Olson, R Kozdon, JW Valley, and PUPA Gilbert.
    Mollusk Shell Nacre Ultrastructure Correlates with Environmental Temperature and Pressure.
    J Am Chem Soc 134, 7351-7358 (2012). 
  5. RSK Lam, RA Metzler, PUPA Gilbert, E Beniash.
    Anisotropy of Chemical Bonds in Collagen Molecules Studied by X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure (XANES) Spectroscopy.
    ACS Chem Biol 7, 476-480 (2012). PDF
  6. PUPA Gilbert and FH Wilt, Molecular Aspects of Biomineralization of the Echinoderm Endoskeleton, pages 199-224, in Molecular Biomineralization: Aquatic Organisms Forming Extraordinary Materials, edited by WEG Müller, Springer, Heidelberg, 199-224 (2011). PDF
  7. PUPA Gilbert, A Young, SN Coppersmith.
    Measurement of c-axis angular orientation in calcite (CaCO3) nanocrystals using X-ray absorption spectroscopy.
    DOI 10.1073/pnas.1107917108
    Procs Natl Acad Sci 108, 11350-11355 (2011). PDF
  8. CE Killian, RA Metzler, YT Gong, TH Churchill, IC Olson, V Trubetskoy, MB Christensen, JH Fournelle, F De Carlo, S Cohen, J Mahamid, FH Wilt, A Scholl, A Young, A Doran, FH Wilt, SN Coppersmith, and PUPA Gilbert.
    Self-sharpening mechanism of the sea urchin tooth.
    Adv Funct Mater 21, 682-690 (2011). COVER PDF
  9. L Yang, CE Killian, M Kunz, N Tamura, and PUPA Gilbert.
    Biomineral nanoparticles are space-filling.
    DOI: 10.1039/C0NR00697A
    R Soc Chem Nanoscale 3, 603-609 (2011).
  10. AV Radha, TZ Forbes, CE Killian, PUPA Gilbert, and A Navrotsky.
    Transformation and crystallization energetics of synthetic and biogenic amorphous calcium carbonate.
    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1009959107
    Procs Natl Acad Sci 107, 16438–16443, 2010. PDF
  11. RA Metzler, GA Tribello, M Parrinello, and PUPA Gilbert.
    Asprich peptides are occluded in calcite and permanently disorder biomineral crystals.
    DOI: 10.1021/ja103089r
    J Am Chem Soc 132, 11585-11591 (2010). PDF
  12. RA Metzler, JS Evans, CE Killian, D. Zhou, TH Churchill, N Appathurai, SN Coppersmith, PUPA Gilbert.
    Nacre Protein Fragment Templates Lamellar Aragonite Growth.
    DOI: 10.1021/ja909735y
    J Am Chem Soc 132, 6329-6334 (2010).
  13. CK Boyce, M Abrecht, D Zhou, PUPA Gilbert.
    X-ray photoelectron emission spectromicroscopic analysis of arborescent lycopsid cell wall composition and Carboniferous coal ball preservation.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.coal.2009.10.008
    Int J Coal Geol 83, 146-153 (2010). PDF
  14. CE Killian, RA Metzler, YUT Gong, IC Olson, J Aizenberg, Y Politi, FH Wilt, A Scholl, A Young, A Doran, M Kunz, N Tamura, SN Coppersmith, and PUPA Gilbert.
    Mechanism of calcite co-orientation in the sea urchin tooth.
    DOI: 10.1021/ja907063z
    J Am Chem Soc 131, 18404-18409 (2009).
  15. CJ Johnson, PUPA Gilbert, D McKenzie, JA Pedersen, JM Aiken.
    Ultraviolet-ozone Treatment Reduces Levels of Disease-associated Prion Protein and Prion Infectivity.
    DOI: 10.1186/1756-0500-2-121
    BioMed Central Res Notes 2, 121-1/5 (2009). PDF
  16. E Beniash, RA Metzler, RSK Lam, and PUPA Gilbert.
    Transient amorphous calcium phosphate in forming enamel.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2009.02.001
    J Struct Biol 166, 133-143 (2009).
    PDF SI cover
  17. Yurong Ma, Barbara Aichmayer, Oskar Paris, Peter Fratzl, Anders Meibom, RA Metzler, Yael Politi, Lia Addadi, PUPA Gilbert and Steve Weiner.
    The grinding tip of the sea urchin tooth: exquisite control over calcite crystal orientation and Mg distribution.
    Procs Natl Acad Sci 106, 6048-6053 (2009). PDF SI NYT article on this work
  18. SN Coppersmith, PUPA Gilbert, RA Metzler.
    Theoretical characterization of a model of aragonite crystal orientation in red abalone nacre.
    DOI: 10.1088/1751-8113/42/12/125101
    J Phys A: Math Theor 42, 125101 (2009). PDF
  19. LCW MacLean, T Tyliszczak, PUPA Gilbert, D Zhou, TJ Pray, TC Onstott, G Southam.
    A high-resolution chemical and structural study of framboidal pyrite formed within a low-temperature bacterial biofilm.
    DOI: 10.1111/j.1472-4669.2008.00174.x
    Geobiology 6, 471-480 (2008). Abstract
  20. PUPA Gilbert, RA Metzler, D Zhou, A Scholl, A Doran, A Young, M Kunz, N Tamura, SN Coppersmith.
    Gradual Ordering in Red Abalone Nacre.
    DOI: 10.1021/ja8065495
    J Am Chem Soc 130, 17519-17527 (2008).
    PDF SI
  21. Y Politi, RA Metzler, M Abrecht, B Gilbert, FH Wilt, I Sagi, L Addadi, S Weiner, PUPA Gilbert.
    Mechanism of transformation of amorphous calcium carbonate into calcite in the sea urchin larval spicule.
    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0806604105
    Procs Natl Acad Sci 105, 17362-17366 (2008).
    PDF SI
  22. D Zhou, RA Metzler, T Tyliszczak, J Guo, M Abrecht, SN Coppersmith, PUPA Gilbert.
    Assignment of polarization-dependent peaks in carbon K-edge spectra from biogenic and geologic aragonite.
    DOI: 10.1021/jp803176z
    J Phys Chem B 112, 13128-13135 (2008). PDF
  23. AR Konicek, DS Grierson, PUPA Gilbert, WG Sawyer, AV Sumant, RW Carpick.
    Origin of ultra-low friction and wear in ultrananocrystalline diamond.
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.235502
    Phys Rev Lett 100, 235502-1/4 (2008). PDF Also highlighted in Science 321, 16-17 (2008). PDF
  24. RA Metzler, IW Kim, K Delak, JS Evans, D Zhou, E Beniash, FH Wilt, M Abrecht, J-W Chiou, J Guo, SN Coppersmith, PUPA Gilbert.
    Probing the organic-mineral interface at the molecular level in model biominerals.
    DOI: https://10.1021/la7031237
    Langmuir 24, 2680-2687 (2008). PDF SI
  25. RA Metzler, D Zhou, M Abrecht, J-W Chiou, J Guo, D Ariosa, SN Coppersmith, PUPA Gilbert.
    Polarization-dependent imaging contrast in abalone shells.
    Phys Rev B 77, 064110-1/9 (2008). PDF
  26. G Pereira, A Lachenwitzer, YR Li, M Kasrai, GM Bancroft, PR Norton, M Abrecht, PUPA Gilbert, T Regier, YF Hu, L Zuin.
    Chemical and mechanical analysis of tribofilms formed from fully formulated oils. Part 2 – Films on Al-Si alloy (A383).
    DOI: 10.1179/175158407X231303
    Tribology 1, 105-112 (2007). PDF
  27. DS Grierson, AV Sumant, AR Konicek, M Abrecht, J Birrell, O Auciello, JA Carlisle, TW Scharf, MT Dugger, PUPA Gilbert, RW Carpick.
    Tribochemistry and material transfer for the ultrananocrystalline diamond-silicon nitride interface revealed by x-ray photoelectron emission spectromicroscopy.
    DOI: 10.1116/1.2782428
    J Vac Sci Technol B 25, 1700-1705 (2007). PDF
  28. M Nicholls, MN Najman, Z Zhang, M Kasrai, PR Norton, PUPA Gilbert.
    The Contribution of XANES Spectroscopy to Tribology.
    DOI: 10.1139/v07-093
    Can J Chem 85, 816-830 (2007). PDF
  29. RA Metzler, M Abrecht, RM Olabisi, D Ariosa, CJ Johnson, BH Frazer, SN Coppersmith, PUPA Gilbert.
    Columnar Nacre Architecture and Possible Formation Mechanism.
    DOI: 10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.98.268102
    Phys Rev Lett 98, 268102-1/4 (2007).
    PDF Also featured in Science 317, 175 (2007). PDF
  30. G Pereira, A Lachenwitzer, M Kasrai, GM Bancroft, PR Norton, M Abrecht, PUPA Gilbert, T Regier, RIR Blyth, J Thompson.
    Chemical and mechanical analysis of tribofilms from fully formulated oils. Part 1 – Films on 52100 steel.
    DOI: 10.1179/175158407X189293
    Tribology 1, 48-61 (2007). PDF
  31. G Pereira, A Lachenwitzer, M Kasrai, PR Norton, TW Capehart, TA Perry, Y-T Cheng, BH Frazer, PUPA Gilbert.
    A multi-technique characterization of ZDDP antiwear films formed on Al (Si) alloy (A383) under various conditions.
    DOI: 10.1007/s11249-006-9125-5
    Tribol Lett 26, 103-117 (2007). PDF
  32. AV Sumant, PUPA Gilbert, DS Grierson, AR Konicek, M Abrecht, JE Butler, T Feygelson, SS Rotter, RW Carpick.
    Surface composition, bonding, and morphology in the nucleation and growth of ultra-thin, high quality nanocrystalline diamond films.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond.2006.12.011
    Diam Relat Mater 16, 718-724 (2007). PDF
  33. PUPA Gilbert and W Haeberli.
    Experiments on subtractive color mixing with a spectrophotometer.
    DOI: 10.1119/1.2431654
    Am J Phys 75, 313-319 (2007). PDF
  34. RA Metzler, RM Olabisi, M Abrecht, D Ariosa, CJ Johnson, B Gilbert, BH Frazer, SN Coppersmith, and PUPA Gilbert.
    XANES in Nanobiology.
    DOI: 10.1063/1.2644429
    In: American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, Volume 882, X-RAY ABSORPTION FINE STRUCTURE – XAFS13: 13th International Conference, Stanford, California (USA), 9-14 July 2006, edited by B. Hedman and P. Pianetta, p. 51-55 (2007). PDF
  35. G Pereira, A Lachenwitzer, D Munoz-Paniagua, M Kasrai, PR Norton, M Abrecht, PUPA Gilbert.
    The role of the cation in antiwear films formed from ZDDP on 52100 Steel.
    Tribol Lett 23, 109-119 (2006). PDF
  36. G De Stasio, D Rajesh, JM Ford, MJ Daniels, RJ Erhardt, BH Frazer, T Tyliszczak, MK Gilles, RL Conhaim, SP Howard, JF Fowler, François Estève, and MP Mehta.
    Motexafin-Gadolinium Taken Up in Vitro by at Least 90% of Glioblastoma Cell Nuclei
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  46. BH Frazer, M Girasole, LM Wiese, T Franz and Gelsomina De Stasio.
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  47. CS Chan*, G De Stasio*, SA Welch, M Girasole, BH Frazer, M Nesterova, S Fakra, JF Banfield.
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  51. Bradley H. Frazer, Benjamin Gilbert, Brandon R. Sonderegger, and Gelsomina De Stasio.
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  52. B. Gilbert, B. H. Frazer, F. Naab, J. Fournelle, J.W. Valley and G. De Stasio.
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  54. B. Gilbert, B.H. Frazer, A. Belz, P. Conrad, K. H. Nealson, D. Haskel, J.C. Lang, G. Srajer and G. De Stasio.
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  55. B. Gilbert, B. H. Frazer, H. Zhang, F. Huang, J. F. Banfield, D. Haskel, J. C. Lang, G. Srajer and G. De Stasio.
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  60. Gelsomina De Stasio, Patrizia Casalbore, Roberto Pallini, Benjamin Gilbert, Francesca Sanita’, Maria Teresa Ciotti, Giancarlo Rosi, Armando Festinesi, Luigi Maria Larocca, Alessandro Rinelli, Didier Perret, David W. Mogk, Paolo Perfetti, Minesh P. Mehta, and Delio Mercanti.
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  62. B. Gilbert, L. Perfetti, R. Hansen, D. Mercanti, M. T. Ciotti, R. Andres, P. Perfetti, and Gelsomina De Stasio.
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  63. B. Gilbert, L. Perfetti, O. Fauchoux, J. Redondo, P.-A. Baudat, R. Andres, M. Neumann, S. Steen, D. Gabel, Delio Mercanti, M. Teresa Ciotti, P. Perfetti, G. Margaritondo, and Gelsomina De Stasio.
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  64. B. Gilbert, R. Andres, P. Perfetti, G. Margaritondo, G. Rempfer and Gelsomina De Stasio.
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  66. J. N. Cutler, J. H. Sanders, P. J. John, G. De Stasio, B. Gilbert and K. Tan.
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