This is an incomplete listing of various resources for issues regarding women and girls in science (particularly in physics).
At UW-Madison:
We hosted one of the regional APS Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) at the UW-Madison in January 2017! It was an amazing event with over 140 undergraduate participants from Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, and Iowa. Further details about the CUWiP series of meetings can be found at the APS CUWiP site.
WISELI (Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute)
WISELI sponsors talks and events, studies issues of gender equality for women in science and engineering, and has funding opportunities such as the Celebrating Women in Science and Engineering Grant Program.
General Resources:
L’Oreal is an incredible supporter of women in science:
- L’Oreal has partnered with UNESCO to sponsor the For Women In Science program, which yearly gives awards to five exceptional and established women scientists across a wide range of scientific fields.
- L’Oreal USA has partnered with AAAS to sponsor the L’Oreal USA Fellowships for Women in Science program. This wonderful program gives awards and support to five women postdoctoral researchers across a broad range of scientific disciplines. (Yours truly was a recipient of this award in 2005!)
Some classic references:
- Beyond Bias and Barriers: Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering report of the National Academies.
- Dual career issue (i.e. the two-body problem): here is the famous study of McNeil and Sher, which includes many useful links, such as this site.